Posting stats — 2024

When I joined The Wire in 2015, the average length of my blog posts increased from around 700 words to around 850 words, and over time to 1,000 words. This wasn't forced so much as a natural reflection of the average length of pieces that worked on The Wire, also around 1,000 words. The trend held through 2018 and 2019 as well: the average post length dipped in these years because I published a very large number of posts and many of them were short, vignette-like. The same 'natural forcing' happened when I joined The Hindu in January 2023, with the average blog post length matching what worked at my workplace. I don't understand exactly how this happens but I'm glad that it does.
On a related note, I recently discovered this amusing snippet in The Book of Imaginary Beings (1969) by Jorge Luis Borges and Margarita Guerrero. Now I like to imagine I keep writing to prevent the monkey from drinking whatever is left of the ink…