New science pages in The Hindu

The Hindu has a new print product out called ‘Surf & Dive’ (S&D), whose first edition the editor Suresh Nambath and MP Shashi Tharoor launched at the group’s ‘Lit for Life’ event in Chennai on January 18. We’ve been working on this for quite some time and are thrilled it’s finally out. S&D will be fortnightly with 76 pages, priced fully — without any part of it being paid for by ads — at Rs 99 per edition. It will present long-form reads on a variety of topics. Each edition will also feature a special cover story: the first one is an extensive analysis of what the world can expect during Trump 2.0.
One of the topics is science — and in fact it’s the single largest section in S&D, accounting for around 20 pages in each edition, around 24 if I include health. Since which pieces make it to the printed edition is a function of quality alone, I’m hoping to expand the room for science journalism in S&D over time. I’m already given to understand The Hindu’s science journalism output is among the highest in the country; I also know the diversity of topics is fantastic and that science-related articles already enjoy a lot of breathing space online and in print, commensurate with audience engagement. S&D expands this place of pride.
I’m sharing some of the pages from the first edition below. Get your copy here.

Pick up your copy here. If you’re interested in contributing to The Hindu’s science and environment sections, please write to mukunth dot v at thehindu dot co dot in.